Protect Yourself by Getting Rid of Earwigs Naturally

Earwigs, also called pincher bugs, are those awful little critters with the beady eyes, long antennae and nasty looking pinchers sticking out behind it. Although these nasty insect pack a powerful punch if they pinch you, they won’t do any lasting harm should you come across one’s path. They are also quite aggressive so it’s important to get rid of them in your garden so that you won’t be hurt while gardening. There are many pesticides that will get rid of earwigs but these are awfully unhealthy for pets and children. Help yourself and your family by finding natural ways to get rid of earwigs.
You are most likely to find earwigs in damp, dark places. Also keep in mind that they love rotting vegetation. The first thing to do is clear away all the clutter in your yard including grass clippings, recycling or household garbage of any kind, and other debris. To keep them from getting in your garden, you can place pebbles around the garden that can help with drainage and also make a more uncomfortable home for any earwigs that are thinking of taking up residence there. If you’re having a problem with earwigs in the house, laying these around the foundation of the home can also help keep them outside.

The next step is to install a bird feeder. Earwigs are a favorite gourmet meal of birds and attracting the earwig’s enemy to your yard is sure to keep them away. A bird bath is another great way to attract birds to your yard. This will also help keep mosquitoes away as long as you change the bath water regularly. If the nasty bugs are still getting into your garden and eating away at all of your beautiful plants (roses and marigolds are favorites of the earwig,) you can still stop them naturally. Use a tuna fish can and fill it halfway with vegetable oil or bacon grease. Place one tuna can in the center of approximately four plants and repeat until all the plants in your garden are close to a can. The earwigs will jump into the grease, leaving your plants alone!
In case there are any stragglers or you are struggling with a severe earwig problem, always remember to wear gloves while you are gardening. These of course won’t get rid of your earwigs but will help make that pinch a little less painful should you come across one while spending time in the garden.

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