Today’s home owner and garden lover is pressed for time with their daily lives. This does not mean that you need to give up your dream of a beautiful garden. If you choose the right plants and follow a few simple tips, you will ensure that you curtail the upkeep of your garden while still maintaining its beauty, and your time to enjoy it. Here are 5 ways that you can shorten the workload in your garden.
• Mulch – You will cut your weeding and watering time if you use a few inches of organic mulch over any exposed soil. Mulch such as shredded bark will add nutrients, preserve moisture, and suppress weeds.
• Lose Your Grase – If you let your grass go for the sake of other ground covers like bugleweed, periwinkle, or woodruff, you will save mowing time and add beauty to your shadier areas where grass has difficulty growing.
• Use Shrubs Instead of Perrennials – The advantage of shrubs is that they allow for color in your garden all year long without the work of replanting, staking, dividing, and deadheading perennials or annuals. Good shrubs to use that are both practical and work free include deutzias, weigelas, or potentillas.
• Use Large Containers – Use a few large containers for your container gardening rather than many small ones. Large containers that are overflowing look beautiful and require less watering.
• Know Your Plants – Each plant and flower species is as unique as each individual in the human race. They all have their preferences in their water needs, light needs, and how they can handle stresses such as weather, disease, or pests. When you are choosing plants and flowers, know what they need and ensure you can give them the right area to thrive. This will eliminate any time you spend on nursing plants and flowers that are sickly.
• Lose Your Grase – If you let your grass go for the sake of other ground covers like bugleweed, periwinkle, or woodruff, you will save mowing time and add beauty to your shadier areas where grass has difficulty growing.
• Use Shrubs Instead of Perrennials – The advantage of shrubs is that they allow for color in your garden all year long without the work of replanting, staking, dividing, and deadheading perennials or annuals. Good shrubs to use that are both practical and work free include deutzias, weigelas, or potentillas.
• Use Large Containers – Use a few large containers for your container gardening rather than many small ones. Large containers that are overflowing look beautiful and require less watering.
• Know Your Plants – Each plant and flower species is as unique as each individual in the human race. They all have their preferences in their water needs, light needs, and how they can handle stresses such as weather, disease, or pests. When you are choosing plants and flowers, know what they need and ensure you can give them the right area to thrive. This will eliminate any time you spend on nursing plants and flowers that are sickly.